Our focus is to encourage wholesome reading and interaction that will influence our members, supporters, and friends to be transformed into the very best version of themselves! Then to be catapulted into the destiny God has designed , sharing every gift and talent with all they encounter along this journey!!
Word in Script was birthed out of a Word received in prayer in 1996 by Rev. Denise Marshall, who immediately began to write. The scripture she received was Psalm 68:11 ”The Lord gave the word; great was the company of those who published it.” As she reflected on the words she from God, she realized that there was to be company (a group), she and a few friends met, prayed, read, discussed views, understanding and beliefs, and all that came to mind at that time, thus Word in Script came into being. Of course, after much trial and error, success and failure, it was impressed upon her heart to expand the group beyond the few, that had disconnected after a few years. This is the newly birthed Word in Script that is being offered to you today!
Reverend Denise Marshall, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has been writing from a very young age, beginning with poems to her family. Encouraged by her late maternal grandmother Mrs. Vermell Lee (Montessori School Teacher) she learned to "write in the dark", so that she would not lose the thoughts she received in her dreams. Throughout school, Rev. Marshall excelled in writing, completing "A" papers repeatedly in just one draft. She soon realized that this was not by chance, but was a God -given gift. Rev. Marshall has written several books, three of which have been published. She has several copywritten poems and cards, she has designed church bulletins, and has also been a part of the editorial staff for Code U. Her poem specifically written for nurses "A Hands Touch" was featured in Code U while working in the Moses Cone Health System. Rev. Marshall is an advocate for education and literacy, believing that "the mind of man is the center of destiny". Her own education includes having received a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Theology, and being an ordained minister of the Gospel. In addition, she has received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Public School and ETA teaching certifications, and is currently pursing a Masters in Divinity (concentration in Pastoral Counseling) at Hood Theological Seminary.
Be Educated, Encouraged & Inspired!
I challenge you all to read, learn, search, and express who you are and share it with others. The Word of God says in Acts 2:17 "In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh and your sons and daughters will prophesy". I believe that included in these sons and daughters that prophesy, there is a remnant that is assigned to do so in the written form. "Prophetic Writers" and "Warrior Writers" who will "Write The Vision" and make it plain upon tablets, that they that readeth it may run! Habakkuk 2:2 "Be Encouraged and Write your Vision!!" Much Love to you All! Rev. Denise Marshall
We are glad you took the time to visit our site. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We pray that you will join us for as many activities as you can, and receive all that we share. Take a moment to connect with us. Blessings!